February 25, 2023

Kunstig intelligens og bildegenering

Jeg har som flere latt meg fascinere av de kraftige verktøyene som bruker kunstig intelligens til å generere bilder. Det er to tjenester jeg har benyttet meg av, Midjourney og Dall-E. 

Begge baserer seg på hvilken informasjon de får fra brukeren.  Midjourney og Dall-E gir ganske forskjellige resultater og jeg ville se litt nærmere på resultatene når forutsetningene er de samme. Jeg synes det er interessant å bruke kunstig intelligens som en inspirasjonskilde og er spesielt interessert i portretter. Derfor har jeg  valgt å gi Midjourney og Dall-E lik informasjon men med to variabler. Variablene er kjønn og alder.

a studio portrait of xx year old woman/man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

Her er resultatene:

a studio portrait of 20 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 20 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 30 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 30 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 40 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 40 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 50 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 50 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 60 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 60 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 20 year old woman, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 20 year old woman, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 30 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 30 year old woman, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 40 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 40 year old woman, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 50 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 50 year old woman, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 60 year old man, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

a studio portrait of 60 year old woman, with studio lighting, shot with hasselblad, f2

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